Friday, December 2, 2016

Hearing in Tongues

I went to a church tonight and after each song the people kept going; improvising hums and tongues and it made me nervous.  But I started to think about it and realized that I often hear people talking that don't know what they're saying so what's the difference?

In Germany I dreamt in German- not in real German, but I dreamt I was hearing lots of German sounds that I couldn't understand; which was exactly what was happening when I was awake too.

I suppose it's possible that some people who speak in tongues know exactly what they're saying and that some people that hear them do too.  But maybe we're all under the spell of spelling and weakened by the weekend and face morning with mourning.  How are the meaning and the sound related? 

There sure are a lot of sh sounds in most tongues I've listened to- and lots of repeated syllables.  But there are lots of people talking with nothing to say and lots of times when people don't mean what they say and times when people hear something different than what was said.

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