Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Ideological set of rails.

Brain pattern is all about race, or class or sex.  And people are more than just one of those; obviously.

That's why they're so upset.  Because they have cognitive dissonance.  How can they like all people of a certain race, yet hate all people of a certain sex.

Today, Liam Neeson had to defend himself.  I guess he's not liberal enough.  or, somebody doesn't like him.

Isn''t the Mary Poppins thing a revenge against Disney?  Of course that makes sense.  People hate them, and love them; love the old stuff and want to seek  revenge on the current state of Disney.

It never was a fair world, but as Ed says, it's just in your face now.

DNA data vs. metadata.  Hmmm... what did they do to Henrietta Lacks?  Sure, she has helped the world, but have they used her blood to hurt the world?  What did they ask her before they spread her blood all over the world?

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