Saturday, February 2, 2019

All this death

 She was 58.

The other one was younger.

Just got done with the funeral for someone 81.

1 friendship is dead.

Some other lady, is acting like she's dead.

My uncle is dead.

At Cresthaven East, they don't even tell you when somebody's died. But at the funeral today, it seemed like they should have a service, up there in the auditorium. After all, they had a wedding there.

Just a spritz of rain on the way to scattering your ashes. I think you thought that was funny.

But, there are tons of Sky Stripes all the time now. And that's what it probably is. It rained all day yesterday nearly storming.

And like the trivia ques last night at Dixie, tion

This is what happens when you say

But you start saying something else too soon.. o e e g g g g t u u u u u t ut

Like the trivia question at Dixie, the world has changed. I feel it in the air. I feel it in the water. And I feel it in the Earth.

The Intracoastal is pretty today, like it always is. But, I wonder why it stinks compared to the ocean? It doesn't stink today, so I should stop complaining.

This Natural Area where we are to scatter the ashes, isn't natural at all. It's up here. It's appear next to a bridge, next to yachts, next to skyscrapers, and really close to man-made islands in the shadow of the breakers.

Clearly, text-to-speech isn't from Palm Beach because it doesn't know 2 capitalize the word breakers. Or is that even the breakers? Or is that something newer built to look like the breakers?

I wonder if working at that Brick Church, is the closest I'll get to working in Downtown West Palm Beach. There's something about downtown anywhere, that builds confidence. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. And it encourages you to do so.

This East part of West Palm Beach, has more than common pine trees. And I wonder where they belong.

1 comment:

  1. I really don't believe in Omens. Except, his demons trying to play with us. And demons Within, making stories out of whatever you notice based on confirmation bias.

    But on the way to the funeral, 1 duct flew across Valerie path, and another into her windshield. On my way, a tiny bit of rain was sent. And then a huge rainstorm right after we scattered ashes. Then, Seagal flew above the ashes as I put it away in the same direction SF floating rose petals.

    And of course, Trump came to town, to the sky was blue or and the grass was greener and the Intracoastal was more reflective.
