Thursday, January 31, 2019

Folks and food

 Remember, doing, and seeing, kids playing well the dogs want them to eat?

I think, that playing is more important than food and that shedden's need connection more than they need Meals on Wheels.

I say, provide fruit on the table and then let people eat whenever they want to. Don't talk about it, don't watch shows about it, don't write recipes, don't eat when you're mad or happy or sad, and we might learn to eat when we're hungry and to know what we should be eating.

I'm starting to think, that if a person really wants a certain food, that it might be okay for them to eat that food. But, we need to know the difference between really wanting to eat a food, and eating a food for another reason.

There's always familiarity, there's always availability, there's always peer pressure, there's always thinking you want something when deep down you really don't.

I've heard of The Hunger that's in the throat and not the tummy. Maybe that's the key.

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