Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Bette goes Chinese

Madame Sin (1972)

Some familiar faces.  The opening scene with camera cuts that draw in the viewer and get them interested.  Then the rest of the movie doesn't have quite the same craftsmanship with editing and camera work.

Overhead shots are nice.

The main guy slaps a nun, so you know this is going to be good.

For some reason, even though I liked it, the movie reminds me of the restaurant with the culturally inappropriate name that included "Chinee Takee Outee."  This was in Tallahassee.

Robert Wagner's acting, for a minute, reminds me of Robert Reed's which I saw last night on Fantasy Island.

I've never seen one being shaved so closely to the camera before.

I wonder why in films, people are always rushing to help other people off of helicopters?  Do they ever just turn one off, and wait for the wind to stop and then get out?  I mean, ever?  Maybe only very busy people ever buy a helicopter.

Music is food for the hungry soul.

You're a prisoner only if you think of yourself as one.

 I'm impressed with her look.  She looks a little Endora here; not as Bette Davis- always the same despite the decade- as usual.  Looking at clips today, it's not true that Bette Davis always looked the same.  But she always looks like Bette Davis.

Here, though...    she looks happy and healthy.

A tape recorder the size of a cigarette packet....  amazing thought at the time?

Nice James Bond type of movie without all the excitement.  Doesn't sound like a compliment, but I don't mean any shade.

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