Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Today Show now and then

Today I'm halfway watching The Today Show.

No TV at home, but I'm at the ghetto McDonalds.

At the bottom of the screen is the cartoon of Hoda and Kathie Lee.

Isn't it great a text-to-speech knows how to spell them with no problem?

Back in the day, I like to Kathie Lee's effervescence. Before that, I like your on Regis and Kathie Lee. Before that oh, I didn't like her on those Cruise commercials.

But, notice the text-to-speech doesn't know how to and when not to capitalize cruise.

I didn't understand that that was the same person at first. And I think way back there in my memory, I liked the let's make a tune no, Name That Tune show. And I think that was her.

I think Kathy leaves career, no, Kathie Lee's Courier, no career, would be a great case study. From the Scandal of overseas workers, wish every big company had, in the scandal of her husband, which may or may not be in every Hollywood marriage, and the way she had to make fun of her singing, even though her singing is just fine, to her Aimee Semple McPherson Musical, and how she may have gotten kicked off of a couple shows, or have decided to leave, it's an interesting.

Is it a tale of how the workplace has changed over the decades?

Or is it a tale of her Christian profession getting in the way of the Illuminati controllers plans? I remember her pointing out the Kardashians Christianity. And I remember her talking about Jesus frankly when Frank died.

Today, the YouTube conspiracy theories, are working in my head overtime.

Instead of seeing her replacement, I see the spawn of Satan the daughter of the grave Warlock and his mother the newly Dead witch. And then I see that tranny, and I see those Two and a Half Men Women interviewing Real Women about how to be happy.

At first, I loved the professor study because we are told the too much money is bad for us, and not enough money is bad for us, and as long as we have enough money to pay the bills, and to take two vacations a year, we'll have a good life.

Then the commercials for vacation spots came on, and I realized, and to keep us on this hamster wheel, One Vacation used to be enough, and now they know we need to, so they're giving us the minimum.

Watching the trannies interview real women, is something I see sometimes. And then sometimes, I just see women. I never thought such a thing, when I watch the view everyday.

But Wendy Williams was a clue.

Do YouTubers question every mainstream narrative. And it's too much. We have to believe in something sometime.

Well, I guess they do believe in something. They believe that everything mainstream media says is wrong. But, even the devil says truth sometimes.

We're attracted to the truth mixed with lies. Just like I like coffee that's sweet. But my younger more innocent palette, no, palate, just wanted the Sweet.

Now, I want the truth, but I also want to be right. I want to see the foolishness, but I don't want to admit that I've been fooled.

Well, today is a new day.

Not now and then, but everyday. No, text to speech, every day.

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