Monday, January 14, 2019

The Omen 1976

The Omen 1976

Lee Remick, now beloved, manages to overact without saying a word.

Gregory Peck= no idea his son committed suicide and there he is acting with all these things part of the plot.  He does the overacting with a little more or a lot more finesse, old school style.

The scene in the car was good.

Last night a documentary on the film came into my feed and I'm lucky to find the film.

Did he really never get to a church until he was five?  And the Catholic priest conflating accepting Jesus as your personal savior- every day; eating his body and drinking his blood... nice way to appeal to every flavor of the audience, huh?

I wonder what exposure all of them had to Christianity before this film?  I think it's after The Exorcist, but I won't be watching that one and comparing.

Today it struck me, a reason why I like shows once they're off the air.  Never thought of horror and comedy like this entwined before.

But I hated Friends and Seinfeld and The New Adventures of Old Christine until they were reruns.  And I can watch any horror movie from the 60s or before... so maybe the cultural programming takes a while to work on me.

It works on me, just slower than the public?

I know that hard songs aren't so hard later.  I hated Another One Bites the Duster, and Bon Jovi and Poison and now they're fine.  And even devil rock doesn't really bother me but I don't like it.

It's a good movie.  Can't wait to explore its IMDB page.

If Greg can have a baby that age...

About the filming, I wonder what the kid looked like before his hair was dark and what he looked like growing up.  Did he catch up in age to his co-stars as I've done to my aunts?

Why they called them rotvielers and Americans don't.  But then, aren't the people who were interviewed Am?  I don't know.

I wasn't expecting the devil to say thank you.  Maybe the irony has faded with the decades.

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