Sunday, March 3, 2019

Returning to the scene

 Last night, I went by Southwest, make that, the Southwest library at dr. Phillips.

Today, I find myself right across the street from the Mexican place where I ate with Nicole and Otto and emmaline. And where I called symbol and I paid for my truck the second or third time.

On the way up to Orlando, I stopped at the nasty BP and you had Junction. I'm so glad they're putting in a new gas station there. Somebody has to up their game or go out of business. It is ridiculous. And they even sell food there.

I went to Disney too, just inside the gates, where we got Disney pops that time, or did we just look for them there?

We ate at the Chinese buffet, right next to El Patron where I ate with Amanda and Billy. They want it authentic, and I had no idea. I don't think Americans eat authentic Mexican or authentic Chinese. Anyway, Adecco asked the same exact question. Are they authentic?

I guess since I like Taco Bell, I don't care about authenticity. But El Patron is awesome. And Billy thought it was authentic, at least according to Amanda.

I can tell you this, haven't eaten enchiladas all over the desert Southwest, it is different, and I wonder if Tex Mex actually means East Texas Mex?

I returned to my condo and found it different. And left it with a three-year-old and a forty-year-old inside. I could feel the neighborhood coming together. Talk to Carlos on the phone and in person. Met a little baby across the way, talk to the couple across the hall and across the way. And made wonderful new friends who called the Sheriff's.

Will see where this goes when I return to the scene.

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