Thursday, September 26, 2019

Notes on YouTube's Real Coffee with Scott Adams

Wait for Alan Dershowitz to weigh in before you know if a legal opinion means something.

I remember with chagrin- what's a chagrin; the minute I saw at V and S's; that Dershowitz stated that collusion isn't a crime.

We have been listening to hours about the speculation that Trump might not have done something that isn't illegal.

Are you kidding?

Somebody has committed a crime- most of that I don't care about-  but somebody else might have done something that ISN"T a crime?  Please don't waste any time on that.

More than one reason- great.  More than ten reasons- bad.  Trump is being criticized for giving a reason he did something; and later giving another reason.  Boy that's terrible- to maybe have two reasons for doing something...

10 reasons- nope.  Not good generally, because that's just a laundry list and people are grasping at straws.  Relatedly, if you don't see something in the room it probably isn't there, but if you see an elephant in the room it probably isn't there.  In other words, elephants aren't generally in rooms.  So if somebody has a bunch of reasons, they are just providing references, not reasons.

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