Monday, April 4, 2016

The Third

In the English, the translation is usually given as Jesus is expected to come quickly.  In English, that could mean soon, or fast.  But we've let them tell us that every age since the apostles expected Him right away.  And that's just not true.  There is a balance between being on guard and never knowing.  Of course the disciples didn't expect two thousand years.  But there is no reason tho think they were shocked to find a decade had gone by without Jesus returning.

When Jesus is spoken of in a  serious way, no one denies that He was real.  They just leave out the resurrection.  Well, the whole thing hinges on that, so of course Easter has been relegated  and Christmas emphasized and both perverted.  But they just say things like "It's been two thousand years since the death of Jesus" as if everything after the crucifixion didn't happen.  There were forty days in there.  And as important as they are to the Christian faith, it's no more difficult to believe than walking on water or turning bread and fishes from one boy's lunch to feed a crowd.

There are certain miracles that can be explained away and of course every miracle can be ignored.  But the tactic is different for discounting the  resurrection.  It's just ignored, while the imminent return of Christ is assumed as a rrecurring two thousand year cyclic mistake.

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