Monday, April 4, 2016

Three Christian Lies

I'm typing this without my glasses.  And I can't really read it.  But I can kind of read it.  This is important to me because a month a go I would not have been able to read it at all.

I received a book from a co-worker about a mucuspless diet.  And I wonder how many words I'm spelling incorrectly.  But, something has happened since I read that book.  And it is something good.  I have replaced my currrent expensive preseciption with my old one.  I only kept the old frames because since they were so expensive and I've heard of a place that collects them and gives them to the poor, I thought I would do that some time.  I never expected to need my old glasses once my eyes progressed beyond them.  But they did.  They progressed back.  My old presctiption is too strong.  And so is my current one.

Right now, if I put on my dollar store plus one magnifiers, I think I'll see fine.

Let me check.

Well, I can't check, without going down to the car and getting them.  I have my current glasses somewhere, I have my old ones here and I have my dollar store ones in the car.  My sun glasses are here and they don't have any magnifier or prescription at all.

The book I read, by Arnold Ehret, convinced me that the way I've been thinking about health might be corrected in a straightforward way.  I already knew that doctors don't know much about health.  After all, that's not their business.  Their business is diesease.  I already knew that dieticians are on to something better but don't really know all that much.

Many years ago, my cousin asked me what I thought snot was for.  I thought it was a great question.  Why would the body make snot when you're sick?  Well, maybe it doesn't.  Maybe it's trying to get rid of the snot that is already there, when you're sick.  That had not occured to me as a possible answer to that question until I read it in that book.  Thank you dear co-worker.  You handed me a book by the London founder of International Studies, which changed the way I thought about history, and you handed this one to me which changed the way I thought about diet.

It had already occured to me that maybe it was not the percentages of carbs, fats, sugars and protein that is the thing.  It had already occured to me that vitamins A, B, C, D, E and so forth might not be the variables we need to think upon.  I thought perhaps that cutting up fiber and making it very small made it no longer fiber.  Maybe something in oranges when they're fresh isn't in them when they're old- it might not matter so much what we're getting as much as how we're getting it.

When I was young my Mom made glue from water and flour.  Well, isn't that what bread is?  Isn't my gut filled with glue or something like that?

We know that in some bodies there are pounds of undigested things.  So how could we possibly shove more and more combinations of countless variables in our mouths and think for one second that the process of eating more and more could ever fix us?

The first lie I'd like to talk about, which isn't Christian at all, but accepted by all the Christians I've ever heard of- is agriculture.  Cain was the farmer, wasn't he?  Abel, the good son, ate and raised the animals.  But neither was what God told us to eat.  He gave us fruit.  He said it was okay to eat the other things, but we were commanded to eat fruit and green herbs.  It's very clear.  We have just put six thousand years of assumptions between us and that clear statement.

Gorillas don't eat protein, yet there are many men, myself included, who would like to look a tiny bit more gorilla like.  Hmmm... they eat fruit and green herbs, do they not?  Animals in zoos and animals under veterinary care and animals in the wild eat about four things.  And when they are sick, they eat something else and it either kills them or makes them better.  They don't stay dieseased for the last third of their life giving all their money to pharmeceutical companies.  They just don't.  And now that our pets go to vets that do prescribe, our pets live longer but live diseased as well.  Animals are healthy until they die- unless people are involved in their care.

So that's the first lie.  My Christian or post Christian civilazaiton has convinced me that I should eat everything, or eat many things or eat often or eat three times a day or eat this or eat that or eat this other thing in comvination with hundred of other things,,, but maybe the truth is, I should have been eating fruits and green herbs.  I can't do that now or it would kill me, but I can move in that direction and I have.

For a few years I have been eating more veggetables.  But not more ffruyt.  Recently I have started eating less.  I am still reeling from the time I drank so much water and ate so little salt that I almost died.  I was watching a television program about a boy poisoned with salt.  So I did what I often did.  I drank more water and peed some more.  And I kept doing it.  Suddenly, I really really needed to eat some chips.  Could that be why the only thing I wanted to eat was fried chicken and potato chips?  Well, of couse Iknew the human body needs salt.  But wasn't water good and salt bad?  Could I really need salt or was I just wanting it?  Could my body actually be wanteing what I needed, you know, as a trusted ally rather than a carnal enemy, tempting me to fall off the wagon?

No matter how you think we started, people don't need much more than fruit and green herbs.  But we eat so much more, so of course our nutrition isn't right.  We know it's not right.  But could this be the way it's not?

I decided that my stuffy ears for the last twenty years was something I had gotten used to somewhat and not my imagination or an exageration.  I breathed in Vick's thorough my nose and breathed out through my mouth for about four hours one day.  My ears, deep inside, way way deep inside, started draining. ...just a little.  But I knew I was on the right track.  I went to an acupuncturist and during the first session, they drained more.... deep deep inside there.  I've been three or four times.  And they've drained a little every day/// almost.  I went home for Easter and they  stopped draining as I resumed the SAD diet.  Standard American Diet, and didn't start draining again until I was back home two days, eating more squash., and drinking more kale and  fruit smoothies.  I haven't given up junk food for more than five days in a row, but I just eat less of it at one time.  Something has changed for the better.

I was watching The Ten Commandments on a big screen on Palm Sunday.  I realized that the level of detail I could see was absolutely amazing.  Well, it was IMAX.  I had just seen it a few months ago on my own television but I could see the characters Charlton Heston was writing on the papyrus.  I could see the pretty Hebrew girl's toes.  And I could see more detail with my glasses off than with them on.  Now as I write this, I still can't quite read what I'm tryping, but I can see all the red marks when I misspell a word and I can kind of read most of it.  In between that first day when I took my glasses off, which was Palm Sunday, and today, I could see better with my old prescription and then with my dollar glasses and now  my eyes are a little better than that.

Two years of positive thinking has helped, I'm sure.  But I haven't changed my diet that much, only been to acupuncture a few times and I see real results.  It didn't occur to me that the stuffiness in my sinuses would affect my eyes, but of course, it does.

The second lie I'll call Christian, is how can I be happy in Heaven if there are people- anybody, suffering forever?  Well, apparently, hopefully, probably, it's not the torture that is forever, it's the fire.  Everlasting fire will consume sin away... but it won't ttake long to be consumed.  Yes, hell is the only reason many people become Christian, but it's also the main reason why Christianity doesn't make any sense.  This little change, or is it the biggest change possible, changes everything.  I just heard it spoken of on the radio tonight.  Obviously if it's on the radio it's true, right?

I've known forever that I could pick  the parts of my faith I like and leave the rest.  I'm just not comfortable doing that.  Not liking something doesn't make it true.  We all know that, but we all do that.  We're the kind of Democrats we want to be.  We're the kind of Americans we think are best, etc.  BUt so much of the Bible is obviously true that I didn't want to throw parts of it away.  Now I guess I don't have to, I can just agree with a n interpretation I've heard once.

Reading Julian of Norwich I found the idea of Universalism in a passage older than I had known.  And of course I want that to be true.  But, does the Bible really support that?  Can I believe most of it?  I suppose I only do bellieve most of it since I'm just a person... but I'm not comfortable with that.  Why am I uncomfortable?  Well, I suppose it's because I'm a person.

Now I have become so distracted that I don't even remember the third lie I wanted to write on.  Oh well, I've had enough transformation for one month.  I'm going to go rest my eyes.

Give me your eyes for just one second, give me your eyes so I can see...

On second thought, please don't.  I think there is only os much a person can  handle.  Seeing God's shadow burnt Moses' face.  Yesterday I told a colleague at church that I believed if any of us were filled with the Holy Spirit too long we would die.  I do think that's true but I don't think I've ever heard anybody say that.  But wouldn't it be like an orgasm but stonger and we just couldn't do that for a year, surely not.

We;re just people.  And people start out writing about three important things and then forget one of them before they finish.

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