Thursday, November 12, 2015

Conspiracy Theorists

A lady I've seen a few times at work told me that there is only one explanation for the fact that there are two sets of water pipes under each house.  Clearly, the government is going to kill us all.

She says she knows this because governments lie.  Look at the Kennedy assassination cover-up.  Look at 9/11.

I don't know anything about plumbing.  But I think she is right that governments lie.  Of course governments lie.  You know why?  Because governments are made up of people.

People do what they think they have to do.  And after they feel that they've done that, people do what they think they can get away with.  After that, they might occasionally do the right thing.  But everybody is looking out for number one, even if they are looking out for everybody else.  If they're looking out for everybody else, it's because they think that's what they have to do, or they don't think they can get away without doing that.  Or, you've caught them at a time when they are actually willing to do the right thing.  Everybody does the right thing some time.

Just now I heard about a proposed smoking pan for public housing.  This makes me angry.  I hate the smell of smoke.  But how can a government keep people from doing something that is legal?  Things should be legal or they should be illegal.

For some reason, the word limit now means recommended minimum- when it comes to speed limits.  People all over the world break this law every single day.  I don't like speed limits.  But I think things should be either legal or illegal.  A 45 mile an hour speed limit shouldn't really mean that everybody should go at least 45.  But I think that's what it means to most people.

There are laws on the books against all sorts of things.  I don't understand a law when I read it, and I don't believe that legislators do either.  And they don't always read them.

A government should be about trying to do what's best for most of the people.  Who would benefit if pipes under our houses were filled with poison?  I'm not sure.  Don't the people in power need the people who aren't in power to pay their salaries, earn money for them, buy stuff from them and so forth?

I've heard that there are plans to poison the people with fluoride and various carcinogens.  And I've heard that pharmaceutical companies are in business to make more customers, not to cure them.  And it is very curious that a product filled with sugar, made up of many ingredients from around the world that were shipped and processed beyond recognition, then packed and shipped again around the world can be more expensive than something grown and merely shipped to the closest market.  But I've heard many things.  I guess there might be one group of people who want the poor to smoke- maybe those who own tobacco stocks- and one group who wants them to not smoke.  Maybe there's a group of people who profit from prisons and they think that illegal smoking in one's home would be a real easy way to fill up some more prisons.  Then there are the race baiters who want there to be a race war.

Who are these people?

And does each group know about the other?

I once was offended when someone told me that the Church had kept people from learning to read for hundreds of years.  I was taught that those hardworking scholars kept literacy alive.  But what's the difference?

I don't picture peasants banging on monastery doors demanding the knowledge of writing.  But I don't picture the issues people are up in arms about today as being the most important ones of our time, either.

Yes, there are people that want to come and take your guns.  There are also people who want to sell everyone guns.  And there is probably somebody who wants to give one out with every birth certificate.  We let so many people drive cars.  Those could certainly be effective weapons.  Every once in awhile somebody uses car crash statistics to tell us that something is really safer than it seems.  But I've yet heard anybody say that the oil industry is set up to keep the population down by providing traffic fatalities.  Hmmm.... I may be on to something.

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