Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Lisa Blount as Chrystal

I recently watched Great Balls of Fire again, and I was struck by how well Winona Ryder played someone who she wasn't.  That's acting.  Some performances are overlooked because we don't know the distance between who an actor is and the role that they are playing.

Winona was once quoted, expressing this useless thought of critical audiences, by asking what the public wanted of her.  Did they want to see a girl play a Supreme Court justice?  Of course all her roles were girls, when she was one.  Now, she can play women.  But I doubt if she'll ever go back to playing girls.  Is that odd?  No, that's effective casting.    

Lisa Blount caught my eye in that movie, and then again as the star of Chrystal.  Thanks to imdb.com, I realized they were roles played by the same actress.

In the context of the film, time stops when she stands up and sings beautifully.  In the isolated clip, some of the luster isn't noticeable because this wasn't a music video, but part of an entire starring role that deserves to be appreciated and seen.

As often I do when I see a movie about the South or the country, I try to determine if the characters are being celebrated or scorned as bumpkins.  Chrystal is no bumpkin.

I noticed the accurate touch I can attest to that the pronunciation has a slight "sh" in it; inexplicably.  For some reason many same something like Kristchal.  Yes, they do.  I have no idea why.

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