Friday, September 2, 2016

More For Your Money

Having gone through a time when I didn't go to full-service restaurants for months; I've recently gone to two restaurants where the bill was at least $25.  No, make that $35.  Right now that's out of my price range so I'm not thinking about particular amounts, but what we're getting at those places versus what we're getting for $3 or for $4.  Yes, I seriously can go to Checkers, Wendy's, McDonald's or Burger King and spend that much.  Taco Bell too, if I don't feel like a drink that day.  That's my first tier.

What do I get for that money?  I get a clean perspective, away from home; away from preparing anything or cleaning up.  I sit somewhere pleasant and have a meal.  And I've realized that I really don't need what most people buy there.  A drink, a sandwich and potatoes is too much.  This is something I can easily eat, but if I slow down and actually enjoy most of the bites of a sandwich or most of the bites of fries- I'll realize that eating all of a "Number Four" - especially quickly, is too much.  No wonder we're all fat.  No wonder we all need coffee.

The second tier is what I consider places that don't have dollar menus.  KFC has a five dollar meal, and if I use the coupon for a small meal next time- that's $7 for one meal and one small meal later.  Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe that's probably as inexpensive as a tier one dining experience.  But, the five dollar fill up is too much junk food at one time- and it is true that I'll eat all of it at once if I order it.  Popeyes with their special coupon later is also a two time dining experience for about $9.

Chipotle is a place where I can order a burrito bowl for about $7, but if I do that I'll probably eat the whole thing at once.  When I add chips and guac and Coke I'll get two meals out of it but the price is $13.  So I guess that's my third tier.

Despite drinking filtered water instead of tap water for months, I don't fall in line with those that think fast food is worse than food that requires tips and time.  I think the problem is Americans eat too much grease, cheese and meat- and too much food in general.  I'm sure there are quality differences but I'm coming to think of the digestive tract not as a chemistry experiment that requires only the right vitamins, minerals, carbs, proteins, etc..... or an assaulted organism being attacked by UV rays, pesticides and GMOs.  I think it's more mechanical.  If we keep it moving, it doesn't really matter as much what is moving through it. 

At a restaurant with appetizers and service, I pay more.  But I actually like getting up and getting my food or my drink or even getting up and looking around.  Getting up is a wonderful thing.  We don't need to sit for hours- ever.  I think there was a time when only royalty had chairs.  And there was a time when only royalty were fat.  For now, I'm going to buy dollar gallons of filtered water at KMart or Dollar Tree- and try to find an Aldi where gallons are .79 because I think maybe the filtered water is a good thing.  It's certainly not a bad thing.  And that placebo effect may be my most powerful ally.  If I am trying, I am healthier than if I am not.

So many people are trying to use diet to fix everything.  Millions want to know what Arnold Ehret would eat today in the face of evil food- come on people, the man walked from Germany to Tunisia.  Don't you think maybe that had something to do with why he felt so good?  Assume for a minute he wasn't manic.  I know, that's hard if you think about it too much- but really.  He exercised every day and he sang and he enjoyed nature.  That's got to be as important as whether or not he would ever step into Mickey D's if he were alive today.

Yesterday or maybe the day before I told a dear old soul that she was doing exactly the right thing.  She was watching birds out in front of where she was staying.  And I contrasted that with 44 percent of Americans watching FOX blaming the damn Republicans and 48 percent of Americans watching CNN blaming the damn Democrats.  Don't you guys see that they keep each other in business?  You can't fight the computer age rooting for Google or rooting for Apple or swearing by Microsoft.  You can have whatever sugar water you want as long as it's Coke or Pepsi.  You can be whatever color you want as long as it's red or blue.

Today you can choose your gender but there are only two schools of thought- two political parties- only two ways of thinking.  Really?  The world just isn't ready for a third political party?

They've got us right where they want us.

But they underestimate their power.  Yes they have gotten Baltimore and Detroit- which now that I think about it is an exaggeration.... they have gotten certain neighborhoods in or near big cities to riot.  But most people remain sensible.  If everyone turned off the TV they wouldn't be mad.  And then we could think.  And then we would all be better. 

This dichotomy between the people that think those liberals are destroying everything right with the world and the people that think those conservatives are holding everyone back is a false dichotomy.  When I was under the spell of "sale=bad" and "water=good" I could have killed myself.  We need salt and we are water.  It's not an either/or.

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