Saturday, December 30, 2017

Monotheism Has Failed Us

I know.  I know.

God is now a collective term for whatever is above us; to some.

Or it's a vague "higher power" and if one thinks about it, power can be a collective thing..

But the idea that is leaving... the idea of monotheism, being replaced by pantheism right now... wasn't so great to begin with.

There was this idea that Judaism, Christianity and Islam were at least monotheist.

Well, they were; and we can add Akhenaten if we want to.

But that's not Jesus.

The Bible is full of admonitions to give up idols.  And if we pretend as if we don't have any, because there aren't any other gods- we're excusing ourselves from all of that content.

But what if an idol is a little thing that symbolizes a bigger thing that's trying to get your attention at the expense of God?

Well, that's what it is.

And I'm real glad you don't have a little Shiva on your dashboard; but that's mainly because I don't want it to block your view; not that that idol is any better than someone else's.

Western belief which is now in the process of fading, was greatly influenced by Christianity but true Christianity was never about any of those things; but knowing the person of Christ who lives; not somebody who died a long time ago but someone who is alive now.


  1. I was annoyed when someone immediately assumed that Christianity has to be monotheistic. Everybody knows that they are not the same, right? No. They don't.

    Either monotheism is a set of beliefs that includes Christianity or it's not; but they could never be the same.

    I hate how wishy-washy people are about religion.

    They don't do that with anything else.

    Oh, I believe this is a chair so I'm going to sit in it? Come on, look at it first. Is it really a chair or are you about to fall when your legs bend?

  2. Another conversation ensued and we got into immutability. Wow- it's been awhile since I've thought about that term. But looking at it afterward; it's just more support for the idea that monotheism- an almighty God with certain attributes in Latin- is not personal. I don't claim to understand God and from my point of view He may be all those things but I also need to see Him as a personality in order to have a relationship with Him.
