Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1 John 2:23-29 - Thru The Bible.Org

Thru the Bible - 1 John 2:23 - J. Vernon McGee

In this lesson, great men were mentioned who lived right because they lived with God.  I don't like the term abide, or sanctification, or any other word that no longer means anything unless you've studied theology.  If we used the phrase "live with" instead of abide, the teaching would be clear.  It's a simple concept and amazingly difficult to do.  We're told to live with Christ.

It seems hard to live with someone you can't see.  And it's impossible to live with someone you haven't met.  But I want to do it.  I do it more and more.

One great quote about a man living with God was "At breakfast, he taught me the book of Mark." - Could I be a man like that, rather than someone who gets up to give "little sermonettes to Christianettes?"

Is there any reason to study and study but never apply anything or grow?  The word sanctification should be replaced with the phrase "getting better" or growing.  If I'm going to change, that won't come from learning about God, but from living with God.

Living with someone is completely different than studying them.
The only thing; the main thing is knowing Jesus, which is completely different than knowing about Him.   

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