Sunday, June 28, 2015

J. Vernon McGee - Book Summaries

J. Vernon McGee - Book Summaries

I have rediscovered Mr. J. Vernon, and have not, as I've done with other celebrities, googled his name very much.  I did go online to see if I could find a few pictures of him, and then to see if I could find a picture of he and his wife.  I found someone with the same name as she, and watched a little interview she gave, which was very interesting, but I don't think I found a picture of J.'s Mrs. McGee. 

I'm trying to be less superficial, and less distracted.  Of course I'm going to google things, and I'm going to use Google to do it, but why do I look up so many things that I really don't care about, like a dog chasing every car that comes down the road?  I get to decide what things I look at, so I'm going to try to do that.

I was listening to J. Vernon - and I'm proud of myself that I don't even know what the J. stands for- (Justinian, Justin Martyr, Jethro, Jedidiah; something a Duggar would name their child?) and he gave a nice summary of a few books of the Bible.

He said that Romans is all about coming out of the house of bondage.  That's beautiful, and gotta be true I'm sure.  But I think of Romans 8 and how we cannot be separated from God.  We've arrived in another house where we're safe.  It's all about the assurance that apart from where it seem that I am, I am with and in God.

Mr. McGee said that Ephesians invites us to enter the banquet.  I prefer buffets, where I can get up thirty times and get a little of this and a little of that, and sit with about three other people, who aren't waiting for me to finish my meal, which is really more of an event, and not waiting for me to get up and let them out of the booth.  I want to be talking and eating and taking food off of each others' plates, not sitting in a roomful of people.  But that's probably the type of banquet Ephesians would describe, not a stuffy room where I'm stuck between one person I don't know and one person I don't like and sitting across from someone who is too far away; blocked by the table decorations- a big bouquet comprised of tall honeycombs on brown stalks with fake blue glass marbles shining out from a tall glass vase.  If I have to be in a room with people, I want to at least move around from seat to seat.  I think if I'm ever in charge of a banquet, I'll have a point at which people will be encouraged to go sit somewhere else and mingle and some will want to, and some won't and then everybody will have the chance to talk to other people, and see which of the food they liked.

Hebrews describes how to approach the throne of grace and 1 John describes approaching the Divine Presence- (apart from capitalization, what's the difference?- I'll have to study it.) Also 1 John is describing salvation as a love affair with God as three things- love, light and life.  He speaks to three stages of people, children, parents and young people.  In Christ, all the listeners have been little children or still are, and know their Father.  But parents who are still God's children, know more.  They know their Father more and young people have been strong, able to overcome the wicked one.  Presumably the Fathers have done that too?

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