Sunday, December 16, 2018

Appropriate for men

 I I'm watching a man, who seems to be thinking his clothes are stylish, goodnight the latest thing oh, you know, stylish and his own way.

And, they seem to be men's clothes.

Black backgrounds and huge floral print.

It's not particularly effeminate.

And I'm really curious Tonneau, no text to speech, not that word but curious to know, if those are men's clothes, and if it's a big trend. Or a trend that has passed that didn't quite make it. Or, if it's a trend that I just haven't noticed.

1 comment:

  1. Now that I'm looking around, do you see floral print on women. And I haven't noticed florals for a long time.

    But, I really have not been looking at clothes.

    I really wish I could stop wearing open-toed sandals. They look terrible. And I know women look at shoes.

    I got to the point where I hate shoes, and think people should alternate between Barefoot and socks.

    But, if I'm going to catch a girl, blah blah blah.

    There needs to be a breathable shoe.

    I think I'm going to switch to this kind of sandals that men wear when they want to be sloppy. And then I'll look sloppy, not like an old man wearing sandals.

    It might work for me. Because people straighten up when they see me, and think I'm so respectable. So maybe sloppy respectable will have some kind of affect that won't be so bad.

    I'm surprised the text-to-speech doesn't know the difference between effect and affect.

    I see it going back and fixing errors like that but I'm still a part of the capitalization s.
