Monday, December 3, 2018

Simply Having a Wonderful Christmas Time

Since the main singer is either incredibly famous and revered, or died a long time ago,

I'll go ahead and be rude.

This is a horrible song.

Well, it's not a horrible song. It's a horrible recording.

If you're not sure what the difference is between a song and a recording, use this time to go review the Grammy categories.

This will not help you.

But, that is exactly my point.

Let's go back to that recording.

If a listener is already in a festive mood, and the tempo of the song is there for pleasing, then the listener May tap their foot.

If a listener is not in the festive mood, then the temple will be annoying.

So, Right There, the most we can hope for, is a tapping of the foot.

But, let's go deeper.

If the listener is not in the festive mood, then, not only will the tempo be jarring to them, but the horrible swishing swagging sound, which I can only imagine was accomplished by scraping one's Nails across the fence posts while running quickly,

Will greatly annoy.

And, speaking of the lyrics, There is no Children's Choir that practices all year long.

Either they sound terrible, or they are the kind of children's choir that has different songs every week.

You know, like bethesda-by-the-sea, or King's College Cambridge or something like that.

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