Sunday, January 18, 2015

Change of Plans

For some reason, changes upset me more than I would like them to.

There are great surprises that happen almost every day, if I notice them or not.


Today I had planned to see some friends that I haven't seen in quite a long time.  And we didn't end up getting together.

But, I had fun doing other things.  I didn't sit around all day moping, but yet, in the back of my mind I was disappointed.  And I let it color the whole day.

I had a nice lunch.  But I was thinking about what I had planned to do, while I was eating.

I went somewhere I like to go.  But I was thinking about who wasn't with me.

What is this need to know what is going to happen?  I know without question that I won't know many things that are going to happen in a day, and theoretically this does not bother me.  I also know that I really don't want to know a greater percentage of what is going to happen in a day.  I like the amount of uncertainty I experience.

Yet my expectations still set the bar, even if I don't want them to do that.

The way my mind worked today, reminded me of one day when I wanted to wash my car.  I was driving along in a mall parking lot that was nicely landscaped and I was thinking about how I just wanted to wash some of the grime off of the windshield and how going to the car wash would basically be a waste of time, just for the removal of that little bit of dirt.  I was thinking about spending a little money for something that I didn't think was quite worth it.  And I was annoyed.

And then, there was a sprinkler spraying water right out into the middle of the street where I would have to drive.  At first I was more annoyed at this sprinkler than I had been about thinking I should get my car washed.  "Why is this sprinkler misaligned?" and "Why doesn't somebody fix this so they stop watering the street?," I thought.  And I started to maneuver a little to the left to avoid the misaligned sprinkler.  But then I realized that if I just kept driving straight, and merely drove into exactly the spot where I was already headed, that the sprinkler would wipe off the windshield and I wouldn't spend money or time going to the car wash because the unexpected thing that was annoying me right now was going to remove the other annoyance, and in about a second, if I just kept driving, the problem would be fixed if I noticed it or not.

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