Saturday, January 31, 2015

Shaving by the Dumpster

I was driving yesterday, and when I turned down a little side street, I came upon a dumpster at the back of a restaurant.  This is pretty close to a big busy street, but off the beaten path, on a little street that very few people use.

I noticed a big red pickup truck parked by the dumpster, kind of alongside of it; not facing it, and not backed up to it, and the driver's door was open and a man was standing there, between the truck and the dumpster, shaving with an electric razor.

I didn't slow down.  I didn't look long.  But I've been thinking about it since. 

Most people shave at home.  But maybe his pickup is also his home.  There is no way he always parks his pickup alongside that dumpster, because where he was parked, nobody else could get to it, and the restaurant is in business.  This means he drove up to that dumpster and parked alongside of it intentionally.

I can think of a few reasons to park alongside of a dumpster.  But none of them include shaving.

What was he doing there?

I can understand why someone wouldn't shave inside of their truck, and I can understand why someone would carry a razor with them, but I can't think of a reason to shave there.

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