Friday, April 26, 2019


I'm at the Mexican one.

Here's a picture of Scarlett Johansson. I was so excited, see on my app, and if I buy a bunch of Happy Meals, I'll get the full Avenger set. I don't know what you got. And I don't even want to see the movie. Well, maybe. I was so excited to see that Happy Meal Ty in.

There was a time when McDonald's and Disney parted ways, and there was a time when Marvel wasn't Disney, but okay.

Scarlett Johansson is featured in a lot of transvestigation videos. I loved her and girl with the Pearl Earring and in a lot of other things, including Lucy and I don't know what all. But after so many transvestigation videos, I believe there are some, but I don't know who. In this picture, she basically looks terrible, but not old. Send a message to Karen on purpose because she looks very female. But I am very plain femail.

That's an interesting way to spell it, text-to-speech. Does that word even exist?

I got an email asking me to audition for the wicked. No, the wick. Are you kidding me?

I was recommended by a choreographer whom I don't know. A choreographer? Me? I'm so bad with choreography, I feel like I'm going to fall down. I need some balance work.

As I said, I'm at the Mexican McDonalds. On Dixie, at the border Lake Worth West Palm Beach. Usually their kids running around, but I only see one. Maybe a girl like this wouldn't care if I was short.

After berkis, maybe I don't want a black one. But then of course, she's Haitian, and hasten is like French Canadian, black but not regular black.

I love how everything I say will be taken racist, but other people can talk about race whenever they want to. Anyway, nobody's nobody is reading this blog at the moment. And by the time I'm a public personality, maybe it'll be an advantage to be a racist. And then I'll have to pretend that I am one.

McDonald's has discontinued the Frozen iced coffee, quite a while ago, and it was so good, somebody told me it was iced espresso. And it was so good just a little sweet when you have whipped cream on top of it. Now I got the very sweet that various sweet coffees.

I'm looking for a drink with whipped cream, it doesn't have the fake flavor of a frappe oh, I think I got it here once. But I do like the Frat pain. No, the frappe.

On my way to trivia to Dixie, running out of money, but my ice coffee was free, and I think Dixie will be free or almost-free. And I have to remind myself that I don't care about money. I don't have a houseplant to support, since no reason I should be stressing about this.

One Aunt, yesterday, finally admitted that all of us have too many houses. How many houses do I need?

Here Scar

1 comment:

  1. One cold word it's going to lead to another, is what's playing. And I'm thinking of whipped cream. There's nothing better, and my grandpa grandpa made chocolate cream. And his name was Carl. And, my friend, and I am a boiling, well, avoiding it says that Dairy is bad for us. I still maintain, that way I'll just eat too much. And that's more important than what we're eating.

    Everybody today, and everybody today eats too much compared to other people, in the past, has a belly, and that's my goal tonight have a belly. Mika fasting weight loss proves that every day, no matter what you exercise and no matter what you eat, it's the amount that matters. Quality small attorney. Small 80
