Friday, April 12, 2019

Real Coffee With Scott Adams

 It doesn't surprise me that someone is putting human genes into monkeys.  But it does surprise me that Japan is the first country to admit this.

CNN doesn't know what to say about the biggest story from yesterday because they don't know what Trump will say about it.  Until they know what he thinks, they won't know what they think because all they think is that he's wrong.  And they can't tell what to say about Julian Assange's arrest until they know which side to oppose.  This is weird because didn't the Pres choose to extradite him, or at least rubber stamp the decision?

But it's true.  CNN doesn't want to agree with Trump even for a moment.  So sad. 

Is it really the case that the first serious national politician who admits to butt sex is named Butt?  Caster Semenya, anyone?  Bruce Gender, anyone? 

Yes!  Please release illegals into sanctuary cities!  Please!  Please!

But Scott Adams is right.  Somebody said that somebody else considered it.  Shouldn't they at least consider everything?  And shouldn't we not blame anyone for thinking about something?  Considering something?  Let them talk.  We can't blame people for that they think.  And as he said, it's not fair to judge people by the ideas they reject.

But why not?  It's not like more of the country can hate the President even more.  What can Reps lose?  If they don't want to do that, give them a free bus ticket to anywhere in the country.  And give them a list of sanctuary cities.  It's not hard for me to get behind that, at all.  If there's no speed limit, speed.  If there is, be prepared to get a ticket.  It's actually pretty simple.  There really is a Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Those people aren't ever going to hate him more.  And those that like hm won't hate him for that.

What did Pamela Anderson do to Assange?  Look at him.

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