Thursday, April 4, 2019

Notes: TTB Isaiah, YouTubers Barnabas and Hudna1

I just heard Barnabas Nagy on YouTube say that he used to be a Christian; for 30 years!

I remember watching a Donahue show when it first occured to me that people would leave Christianity.  There was a show about Fundamentals Anonymous and it struck me that if, instead of growing and growing, that people left a belief system, maybe it's wrong?

So naive to think, like a 19th century capitalist, that the whole world is marching forward to a golden progress... but I guess I feel the same today with some caviats. March 31 2019

Isaiah's message to a corrupt government and a broken culture.

Philosopy - just think
Indulgence - just drink
Politics - spend
Science - just invent
Industry - just work
Militarism - just fight

Isaiah states that GOd has brought his people to court, and provides invitation to redemption.

Government of God warning and wooing April 1

Man can live eight minutes without air?   I don't think so.

Interesting perspective once again from the Texan who preached to Los Angeles.  

He says that if there is no differenve between men and women we're done.  And there is truth to that, which we know now from personal experience.  Could he have even imagined the transgender agenda?  I guess he could, but the particulars would be unbelievable to him,

Men don't have the propensity to do good, and women do?  Maybe.  Women are worse than men when things are messed up?  Seems like it, huh?  In some way, but I can't figure it out.  But I think our gender role issues make it impossible to see what's going on.

What a list of adornments!  Man, there is a lot of specificity,  This s a passage that we could unpack and that probably should be.  20 articles mentioned by name- this means something.  Not as prolific as genealogy but it must mean something to us today, like that does not.

YouTuber hudna1 continues to connect Moses to African Americans.  Very nterestng.  Today n Black Children of Moses  heatd her talk axe nstead of ask, and that Moses s the first lawyer.  Very nterestng.  She takes a thought and runs with it, doesn't she?  Connects words and just keeps going n her interpretatons.

Moses is actve n heaven?  I am surprsed to hear her say that, but, hmmm.  She said this in Bible with Black Characters, and R Kelly

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